Picture Night, News (Thornton Minor Hockey)

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Oct 27, 2018 | SDuguid | 992 views
Picture Night
It’s that time of year again, Picture Night! 

When:     Wednesday November 14th  2017
Time:      5-7 PM:   IP, Tyke and Novice 
              7-9:30 PM  Atom, Peewee, Bantam, Minor Midget and Midget
Where:    Thornton Arena, Meeting Room by the change rooms

Note the following important things to know:

·        An order form has been emailed to you, it is to be printed and brought to the arena.  Please come with your order form completely filled out to help keep the speed of the night moving;

·        To help you decide if you want to place an order for additional pictures, check out this link to see the work the photographer does: http://www.pictureday.ca/gallery-2.  There is also a lot of examples on the order form attached;

·        All families will receive a complimentary team picture, regardless of a personal order;

·        Pictures are taken individually using a green screen.  The photographer will then use the individual pictures to create the team picture – therefore teams do not need to come as a group. 

Families can attend picture night within the times listed above depending on the age of your player. 

NOTE:  For families with players in both age groups, you can bring all of your players at the same time, regardless of age, and do not need to come back twice

·        If families would like a sibling picture, please advise the photographer;

·        Coaches and Bench Staff should also attend picture night wearing a neutral coloured, collared shirt.

·        All teams and all players will wear their BLACK Jersey for the pictures.

·        All players must come to the arena in FULL HOCKEY GEAR, except for helmet and skates (not required).  Please remember to bring stick and gloves with you.  There will not be any change rooms available – so please ensure your player is dressed at home;

·        As this is an open picture night, it is first come first serve, and therefore, there may be some busier times where there is a line up or delay.  The photographer will expedite the process as best as possible without compromising the quality of the pictures, so please be patient!


The photographer is going to make every possible effort to have the orders back to us for Christmas, but that cannot be guaranteed.  Regardless, the orders will be ready as soon as possible before or just slightly after Christmas and will be distributed through your teams Coach and Manager.


If you have any questions, please reply to [email protected]

