Arena Guidelines, News (Thornton Minor Hockey)

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Sep 29, 2020 | Kyle Roberts | 1021 views
Arena Guidelines
๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฅ… ARENA Guidelines ๐Ÿฅ…๐Ÿ’

Important changes to Arena guidelines are highlighted below:

#1 - The arena online screening tool, each participant and parent must complete the online waiver before entering the building.


#2 The building will be unlocked 15 minutes prior to the scheduled ice time. If you are late you will not be granted access to your team's ice time so, please be at the arena 20 minutes before your scheduled time, so you are ready to enter with the team. The Team lines up in front of the arena doors all while maintaining social distancing.


#3- Participants must come to the arena dressed and ready to play. Skates, helmets, and gloves can be put on in the change room.


#4- Entering the building is restricted to Participants, and 1 Parent/Guardian per participant. (No siblings)


#5- Masks must always be worn at all times, except when on ice by all facility users.


#6 - Water fountains and canteen are not available.


#7 - There will be no sharing of equipment.

Click here for Essa Township's full guidelines


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