- Welcome to Hockey!! Ages 3 to 6 can participate, as well as players up to age 8 with no previous hockey experience
- A parent orientation meeting will be held for introducing the coaching staff and for an explanation of Hockey Canada’s U7 Player Pathway Policy (click here)
- Players’ skill level will be evaluated by the coaching staff. Players will be grouped according to skill and will advance through groups at their own pace as skills are acquired
- TMHA strives to maintain a 1:3 instructor/player ratio with the help of on-ice volunteers. All volunteers must provide a valid and up-to-date police records check/vulnerable sector check, complete the Rowan’s Law Acknowledgment, and complete the Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders program
- As skills develop, the players are introduced to team/game play in a fun, non-competitive forum
- Non-competitive game situations occur during scheduled practice times
- Every player has the opportunity to participate in games
- Games are non-competitive with rotating goalies, two-minute buzzers, instructors on the ice, stop and start plays, etc. with a focus on hockey rules and positioning
- Each team can participate in 2 IP Festivals/Fun Days per year
- Ice time will be a set 2 hours per week