Welcome Back to Hockey!, News (Thornton Minor Hockey)

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Oct 06, 2020 | Kyle Roberts | 1101 views
Welcome Back to Hockey!

The day is finally here, we are finally returning to the rink!  Your Board has been working diligently with the Township and other parties to ensure a safe and fun return to hockey.  Please read the Essa Township Recreation Facility Operating Protocols document located on our website by clicking here, and read below for some very important details:


  • Be aware of your scheduled ice time and arrive 20-25 minutes prior


  • Five hours prior to your scheduled ice time (but on the day of your ice time) complete the two forms on the website under Arena Protocols and Waivers or follow the links for the Essa Township Waiver and the OHF Health Screening Questionnaire for EACH person entering the building. No form = no access


  • Arena doors are locked, and will be opened by a Township staff member 15 minutes before your ice time.  You enter as a group with your entire team.  No one will be admitted to the facility after the team enters - no running back to the car for forgotten gear, etc.


  • One parent/guardian per player is permitted into the facility.  NO siblings at this time


  • Players and parent/guardian must wear a mask when entering and while inside the facility.  Players may remove masks once their helmet is on


  • Players MUST come to the facility FULLY dressed, aside from skates, helmet, and gloves


  • NO hockey bags allowed inside the arena.  A small duffle bag is permitted to hold helmet, skates, gloves, mouth guard and water bottle


  • Skates can be tied by parent/guardian in the designated dressing room - parent/guardian must leave the dressing room immediately upon tying skates


  • Players and parent/guardian must sanitize hands upon entering the facility


  • Parents/guardians can view from stands only, must wear a mask at all times and practice physical distancing


  • Players and parent/guardian must follow traffic flow and spacing instructions as marked


  • If a player or parent/guardian is sick, including but not limited to cough, fever, cold, flu, or anything of that nature, DO NOT come to the arena.  Advise the team coach or manager of the absence


The above rules have been set out by Hockey Canada, the Ontario Hockey Federation, the Ontario Minor Hockey Association, the Township of Essa, and the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, and these rules are in all our best interests.  Any changes to these policies/procedures/protocols will be communicated via the website so please subscribe for updates here.
