President's Letter, News (Thornton Minor Hockey)

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Apr 25, 2021 | Kyle Roberts | 1329 views
President's Letter
Please see below for an update from TMHA President

To: TMHA Players and Families.

It is our hope that everyone is doing well as we hunker down for yet another lockdown. Although the hockey season is well over, the Executive team has been working on season end tasks and planning for the 2021-2022 season. Please take a moment to read the information below outlining upcoming events, the annual general meeting, and refunds.

TMHA would like to thank all players and families for their support as we worked hard behind the scenes to try and keep all players on the ice.

My appreciation goes out to the Thornton Minor Hockey executive and board of directors for the dedication and hard work, the amount of hours that were put into this difficult season is unbelievable and for that you should all be proud.

A special heartwarming thanks goes out to out all the coaches, assistant coaches, managers, trainers, and parent volunteers. The time and effort that you all put in will go down in history as something I know I will always appreciate and know that all the families in our association appreciate as well. You all went above and beyond for our Tiger players.

A special thanks to The Township of Essa, especially for the continued communication, while we faced the rollercoaster ride throughout the year. The support of the township staff showed and the process they put in place was seamless and for that we thank you.

To all Thornton Tiger Hockey Families, we are currently finalizing player refunds, we are hoping to have that process complete by no later then May 9th. Please note you will be getting an email shortly with details on this.

TMHA has a special gift for all Players and Coaches once the latest stay at home order is complete TMHA will be hosting a drive through yearend event in the Thornton Area parking lot, more details to follow. Stay tuned.

The AGM will be held virtually on Wednesday June 2nd, 2021 @7pm all are welcome to attend, please RSVP on our webpage.

Being a member of the TMHA board is a rewarding experience and ensures that kids can continue to play hockey. Please consider joining the board and giving back to your local hockey community. Many hands make light work, and the jobs are not onerous. If you have questions regarding joining the Board, please reach out to Amanda ([email protected]) or Barb ([email protected]).

On behalf of the Thornton Minor Hockey Association, I hope you all stay safe, and we are looking forward to next season.

Thank You
Thornton Minor Hockey